ElliptiGO a go-to solution for injured runners - Top Fitness Store

ElliptiGO a go-to solution for injured runners

ElliptiGO rep Chuck Day (from left), Elite marathoner Tera Moody and Precor Home Fitness Communications Manager, Meg Sullivan

ElliptiGO a go-to training tool for injured athletes

By: Meg Sullivan

One year ago, I faced an endurance runner's worst nightmare- dealing with an injury at the beginning of marathon-training season.

I worked as the training program manager for a running organization at the time, so this setback was particularly tough to stomach. As a former collegiate cross-country and track athlete, I had dealt with injury before, but being surrounded by runners in my career made losing my running even worse. "What will I do?" I thought, "How the heck can I do my job well and support my runners if I can't even jog? It's not fair!" There were several mornings where my commute involved a lot of tears and the worry that I would lose another precious racing season.

As any runner knows, taking time away from exercising can be extremely difficult, especially if most of your friends are athletes who use their training as a social outlet. Being sidelined can make an injured runner feel isolated, frustrated and even depressed.

In my situation, I was lucky enough to cross paths with the Midwest ElliptiGO rep, Chuck Day, and he invited me to go on a test ride with him on a beautiful summer Chicago morning. I had never heard of this awesome bike, which is basically an elliptical on wheels. It simulates a running motion with ZERO impact on your joints and burns significantly more calories than regular cycling. ElliptiGO was formed ten years ago by Bryan Pate, a former Marine and Ironman who lost the ability to run for exercise and Brent Teal, an accomplished distance athlete and mechanical engineer.

ElliptiGO bikes, which come in four models- 3C, 8C, 11R and the newest of the bunch, the Arc, allow for a great workout that doesn't beat your body up, yet still gives you that "runner's high". Another benefit of riding the GO is that you can't possibly do it with a frown. People are so excited to see you ride by and often ask where they can buy one. Kids can't believe their eyes when they see you whizzing by!

I remember sitting at breakfast with Chuck after the hour ride and just feeling so content. I had that same "long run" feeling without risking further injury. My omelette tasted so damn good because I had gotten an awesome workout  (let's be honest, food is verrry important for a distance runner!)

Soon after purchasing my ElliptiGO 8C, I developed a routine of running 3 days a week and "ElliptiGOing" the other days. Throughout my training, I was able to build cardiovascular endurance while simultaneously "resting" my injured leg. Not only was I easing back into running in a smart, safe way, I was building strength.

I was able to ride alongside my marathon trainees at every different pace and encourage them to reach their goals, while setting a good example of how to return to healthy running. I was able to do my job better than ever and I was healing myself.

Last fall, I raced two half-marathons having run about half the mileage I normally would in training. I was surprised that my times were only about two minutes from my personal bests and it left me hungry for more. I credit ElliptiGO with giving me the gift of healthy running back. I hope I can help others learn about the benefits of this awesome training tool. Stop by any Precor Home Fitness location or call us to test ride an ElliptiGO and see for yourself!  

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