How Many Weight Plates Do You Need for a Home Gym?
The right home gym will help you build your body the way you want. Some people want their home gym to focus on cardio or yoga for a sweat-inducing training session. Others want to build strength and muscle through vigorous weight resistance. If you’re someone who wants to improve their weight training, it’s important to stock your home gym with the right lifting equipment. Weight plates are a staple in any gym. Read this guide on how many weight plates you need for a home gym. We share tips on how to stock your home gym with these strength essentials. You’ll see that sizes, type, and purpose matter to create the perfect strength-based home gym.
The Different Types of Weight Plates
Weight plates are flat, heavy rounded objects used with barbells or dumbbells for strength training. They are a staple to home gyms and commercial gyms around the globe. Ultimately, there’s no better form of strength training than with weight plates. Although bodyweight exercises can help you achieve natural strength and conditioning, you can use weight plates for heavy resistance movements, like the bench press, squat, deadlift, barbell row, shoulder press, bicep curl, and so on.
When it comes to understanding weight plates, keep in mind that each type is different: from size, material, and purpose matter. For example, you can find weight plates made from cast iron and formed into discs, plates made for easier carrying with grips, and rubberized plates for Olympic lifting movements—also known as Olympic plates or bumper plates. There are also smaller weight plates designed for dumbbells.
Sizing and Accuracy
Each weight plate comes in a range of sizes meant for weight resistance and strength building. Commonly, this includes 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 35, and 45 lbs. (or 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 kg. outside of the US). Sometimes, you can find weight plates as high as 50 or 100 lbs., if desired. Bumper plates typically come in 10, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 50 lb. (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 kg.) increments. How many weight plates you have in your arsenal largely depends on your style of training. Most people find sets of smaller weight plates, and a couple of larger 45 plates are more than enough. Still, if you’re a weightlifter who needs larger weights for more resistance, more larger plates will suit you.
Occasionally weight plates accuracy can pose an issue. Cheaper weight plates have a greater risk of inaccurate weight projections than more expensive ones. While small variation is common, sometimes as low as 2 to 3 percent, some manufacturers may unknowingly produce a 10 percent weight variation. For example, a 45 lb. weight plate could weigh as little as 40 lbs. or as much as 50 lbs. Olympic or more expensive plates don’t face this issue as much, given their use in strength competitions. These plates should weigh within 10 grams of their marked weight.
Think About Clutter and Purpose
As previously mentioned, there are many considerations to make when deciding how many weight plates you need for a home gym. Two things to consider are clutter and purpose. For the casual lifter, a standard set of two 45s, two 25s, two 10s, four 5s, and two 2.5 lb. weight plates is enough. Keep in mind that you should also purchase a standard 45 lb. dumbbell and any benches, deadlift platforms, squat racks, or weight cages to fit them. It’s also important to consider long-term fitness goals. One question you should ask yourself is how much do you want to lift later on? The standard set listed above is a great starting point for anyone fresh to weightlifting. However, if you’re an experienced lifter, don’t be afraid to purchase more 45s or whatever else you may need to progress your fitness journey.
One way to reduce clutter in your home gym is through a weight plate stand. While conventional weight cages offer pegs to store your weight plates, a weight plate stand is a standalone storage vessel designed to hold any extra plates you have around. That way, you don’t leave them on the floor to trip over, saving you from a future injury.
The Final Verdict
There’s no perfect answer for the number of weight plates you need in your home gym. Your fitness goals, home gym space, and equipment all determine the number of weight plates you need. While considering the long-term lifting goals you set yourself, remember that this is your home gym. You don’t need to convert it into a full-fledged powerlifting or bodybuilding gym if that’s not your focus. Instead, buy what you need for now. Then, order later if you feel you want more. It’s never a bad idea to invest in higher quality weight plates to ensure you receive the most accurate weights for your lifts.
Also, if you want to add variety in your workouts, bumper plates allow you to perform all the standard lifts and Olympic style lifts, like the clean and jerk, snatch, and power clean. However, if you’re someone who prefers plate-loaded machines to conventional lifts, regular cast iron or plastic grip plates are enough. Again, remember to buy a nice barbell and clips to hold the weight plates. The number of barbells in your home gym depends on the type of equipment you possess. It may be worth investing in two to three barbells, so you have one ready for your bench press, deadlift, and squat when it’s time for those exercises.
With all that said, Top Fitness Store has all the rubber Olympic weights you need for your home gym. These rubber-coated Olympic weight plates are a great alternative to cast iron. They eliminate floor damage, reduce noise, and offer versatility to your workouts. We sell bumper plates and Olympic grip plates in a range of sizes, from 2.5 lbs. to 45 lbs., so you’re ready for your workouts. Call now with any questions or for more information on our weight plates. We’re happy to help!