May 14, 2020 4 min read

An assortment of home gym equipment in someone's bedroom onlooking a sunny window with trees.

There is a high demand for home fitness equipment at the moment because gyms across the country are closed due to avoid the spread of COVID-19. There’s no telling when local gyms will open again, but you may never have to go back to one. While many people have been improvising to get their workouts in during this time, a much better option is to work out with actual exercise equipment instead of risking an injury. Now is the perfect time to build the home gym of your dreams. However, there are a few things you should be aware of before you start. Here’s our guide on how to build the perfect gym in your home.  

Find the Right Space 

If you are committed to building a home gym, then you are going to need to find the perfect space in your home for it. You’ll want to designate a place in your home for a gym so you can tailor it to your specific needs. This can be a basement, a garage, a spare bedroom, or even a sunroom. There are a lot of spaces in your home that could be a great fit for your gym.

Get the Best Equipment for You 

Once you decide on the perfect space for your gym, you’ll need to fill it up with equipment. At Precor Home Fitness, there are so many great options for equipment that you can get, but there are several factors you should keep in mind. For one, you may have limited space to work with in your home gym, so you are going to need equipment that can serve multiple functions. A smith machine is a great option for multiple purposes because you can use it for everything from bench press and squats to lat pulldowns and pull-ups.  

Another thing to keep in mind when you are looking for gym equipment is your own body and safety. While you may typically use a regular squat rack, you might want to choose a machine instead to avoid injury, especially if you are older. Plus, you might not have someone to spot you in your home gym, so this is a much safer alternative. Ultimately, the point is to get the right gym equipment for you and the space you have.  

Install Rubber Flooring 

As you build your home gym, you are also going to want to think about the type of flooring you install. With all the heavy equipment and weights, this can cause a lot of damage to your floor, especially if it’s hardwood. A much better option would be to get rubber flooring, which you can also find at Precor Home Fitness. This way, you have flooring in your home gym that can handle weights pounding on the ground and reduce the amount of noise, too.  

Add a TV and Speakers 

When you are building your home gym, you should look for some inspiration from local gyms you’ve gone to in the past. One common element is the presence of TVs and speakers that can help you pass the time on a treadmill or another type of cardio machine. This might be something you want to do yourself because music is such a huge motivator for many during their workouts. Plus, a TV in your home gym can be great for yoga instruction and other workout videos.  

Put a Refrigerator in It 

A refrigerator is another great addition you can make your home gym. It doesn’t have to be a big one, but it can be a convenient place to put water, smoothies, protein bars, shakes, and more for easy accessibility during and after your workout so your body can recover properly.  

Have Mirrors and a Whiteboard 

Mirrors serve two purposes for a home gym. They make the space look twice as big, which can make a cramped space feel more open and less claustrophobic. They also help you during your workout by reflecting your movements so you can monitor and correct your form. Another great addition to your wall is a whiteboard, which is handy for putting up your workout so you can follow it easily. You can also put up personal records and motivational quotes.  

Put a Clock on the Wall 

Every home gym should also have a clock on the wall. Time is an important element for certain incremental workouts, so it’s imperative to have a clock displayed on the wall that you can see. A large, digital clock with a seconds display is your best option for a home gym setup.  

Organize Your Equipment and Accessories 

You will also want to keep your gym clean, especially if it is small. There’s only one way to do this, and that’s by organizing your equipment and accessories. For dumbbells, kettlebells, and weight plates, a storage rack is the best way to store it all.  

Add a Towel Rack 

Regardless of whether you share your gym with someone else, you are still going to want to keep it clean. A great way to do this is to have a towel rack easily accessible so you can wipe down all the equipment after you use it. It’s not a bad idea to have disinfectant wipes handy as well. Workouts will obviously make you sweaty, and having easily accessible towels and wipes will keep your gym clean.  

Get a Fan 

If you can’t open a window in your home gym, you should have a fan, either portable or overhead. Your home gym is bound to get humid, and a fan is the best way to keep it cool, especially in the summer.  

After reading our guide on how to build the perfect gym in your home, you probably realized that there are many advantages to working out at home—no need to fight people over equipment, readjust settings before each workout, and or risk sick during this time. If you are looking for fitness equipment in Seattle, Precor Home Fitness as a great selection that can get to your home in no time.


How to Build the Perfect Gym in Your Home  

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