It's That Time Again! Spring Cleaning Your Home Gym!
How To Properly Clean & Maintain Your Gym Equipment
Just because you are avoiding the crowds at your home gym, we want you to know how to clean and maintain your equipment.
Use these tips to make sure your equipment is clean and functional before your next workout.
Maintain A Regular Cleaning Schedule
Make cleaning your home gym part of your normal cleaning routine. Doing so will prolong your equipment's lifespan and keep you on your path to success!
Manuals At Hand
If you own any cardio or strength machines, you probably received a manual along with it. These will show you how to properly clean and maintain each machine.
Cleaning Tools Checklist
Don't overthink it – you will need disinfectant wipes, a disinfectant spray, and a microfiber cloth. If your weights are feeling grimey, they can be washed down with some warm water and soap as well.
Keep It Moving & Maintained
Any pin-loaded or plate-loaded weight machines might require lubrication in addition to the cleaning steps listed above. If any of your machines feel rusted or aren't moving as well as they should, spray them with WD-40 or another lubricant to allow for greater mobility and extend their range of motion.
Stay Organized
Need a springtime refresh before summer? Adjusting your gym's layout can help. Essential equipment should be front and center and easy to access, while the rest of your accessories can remain stored.