November 19, 2020 2 min read

The most difficult part of starting an exercise routine is committing to your routine on a regular schedule. Because of this difficulty, you might be anxious about taking a day off from your routine in case you break that commitment, or maybe because you’re feeling good and you just don’t want to stop. It’s important to give yourself a break, however, and to prove that, read on for the importance of taking rest days.

Allows for Recovery

Rest days are when the progress you’ve made from exercising is made manifest. It’s during this downtime that your muscles can grow and repair. Exercise causes microscopic tears in your muscle tissues, but when you’re resting, cells called fibroblasts begin repair of the tissue which allows your muscles to heal and grow, resulting in healthier, stronger muscles. This rest period is also the time for you to refuel your body, so that it has the glycogen needed to burn into energy when you start exercising again. If you’re truly feeling antsy on your rest day, some light cardio is perfectly acceptable, and one of our home treadmills for sale is an easy and convenient solution.

Prevents Fatigue and Injury

A lack of rest prevents your body from refueling and repairing itself. This can result in a lack of glycogen, making you feel sluggish and easily worn-out, while causing soreness in your muscles. This will overwork your body and you won’t be at your best, placing you at greater risk of injury through mistakes. Putting your muscles through such constant stress can also cause injury that will require you to take even more rest days. Avoiding injuries and fatigue that would only hinder your results should be the greatest takeaway of the importance of taking rest days.

Improves Performance

By being well-rested, your body will be able to perform at a better rate and you will be more motivated toward pushing yourself for greater results in the long run. A schedule of consistent rest days will also help regulate your body so that you sleep better. Exercise produces energy-boosting hormones, which you can overproduce after too much physical activity, making it difficult to settle down and get a good night’s sleep.

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